Company-Entrusted Loan
Issue Date:[2018-04-18]

Product Introduction

For a loan between corporations, BEA will release the loan as the surrogate in line with the counterparty, amount, tenor, and interest rate determined by the client, supervise the use of loan on the behalf of the client, and assist in collecting principal and interests.

Product Features

BEA will supervise the loan on behalf of the client, which effectively expands the ways of financing for corporations;

Indirectly loan processing through our bank with clear, complete and standard records, can prevent any dispute between the lender and the borrower in future.

Application Requirements

The client must have a legitimate source of funds and open a specialised account for the entrusted loan funds with BEA;

The borrower shall use the funds in compliance with related national specifications.

Application Documents

1. Registration certificate, business license, organisation code certificate, articles of association, capital verification report, audited financial statements for the last three years, and certification of legal representative or legal person's letter of attorney

2. Resolution of the Board of Directors or the meeting of shareholders approving the arrangement of entrusted loan

3. Other documents required by BEA China

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